Introduction to United States History

This course covers the history of the United States from the Civil War to the present.  It addresses the student's ability to analyze and develop historical skills of chronological thinking, comprehension, interpretation, and research.  The student will study the political and cultural contributions of individuals and groups, how continuity and change have influenced history, primary documents, material artifacts and historical places, and conflict and cooperation among social groups and organizations as seen through United States History.

The "Handbook for Historians" describes classroom guidelines and explains the key features of history as an academic subject.  Be sure to have a parent/guardian sign the handbook.  You will have a quiz over the handbook as well. You can access the unit overview/lesson plan if you want to know what we will do when.

One important skill historians need to develop lies with map work.  You will complete a map exercise on the state of Pennsylvania to hone those abilities.

Did you miss class?  Are you missing notes?  You can access the completed notes here (usually after we discuss them in class).